This coming Saturday, I have opportunity to leave for a 10-day trip to Ukraine. I will be going with a 9-member team from Faith Church in Indianapolis to help facilitate a conference for SEND International missionaries in that country. Our team will provide children's programming, birth through High School and will also lead worship and provide preaching for the adult sessions. Our goal is to serve the missionaries in any way we are able as they meet together for a time of encouragement and renewal.
In the providence of God, the funding for my trip (and for the entire team now!) has all been provided. We would not consider going though without the prayers of God's people on our behalf. Would you pray with us...
- For safety in travel and for all the luggage to arrive with us - much of the luggage will contain supplies to help facilitate the conference
- For health for the team and for the missionaries and their families
- For good communication and Christ-like testimony with the hotel staff where the conference will be held
- For quality time and interactions - the missionaries with each other, as they only gather like this once a year; and us with them
- That we would minister well to these servants of God
- For our families here at home while we are away
- For grace-filled attitudes with each other as we are in close proximity and new circumstances
We depend on the grace and strength of God and know that only by His power and your prayers will He be glorified as we go.
Thank you in advance for your part in this work as you pray.
Yep...praying for you. Can't wait to hear how it went.