Also, this week I learned that the surgery I had hoped to have at the end of February is now scheduled for late April. (If there is a cancellation for February, I am on the waiting list!) The delay means I will miss two Connection programs in May, but the Director for those events is already making plans to cover things in my absence. Another adjusted expectation.
Thanks for your prayers for wisdom and learning for us these past two weeks. Much learning took place, not only among the participants but also among the "crew" as we facilitated the sessions. We got to learn new ways to depend on the Lord and on each other. The Lord provided much timely wisdom. It was comforting and encouraging to know that even though many things were not as we "expected" them to be, God was sovereign over all and was not surprised by any of it.
We are so grateful for your prayers and for God's provision. Your partnership now extends to these colleagues who will serve in Canada, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, West Asia, and the United States of America -- all helping to accelerate Bible translation!