Friday, June 30, 2017

Equip #35 Wrap-up

Today, Equip #35 participants begin to leave campus. They have completed their Wycliffe orientation and go now to build their teams of prayer and financial partners. We had a great time together and were all healthy and able to finish well. It was a privilege to get to know this group of new colleagues who desire to see everyone around the world access God's Word in their heart language.

One family who was with us was "recruited" by J&P, the first couple I coached in 2011. So think about that... You prayed for me and for J&P. God helped them build a team of prayer and financial partners so that they might serve with Wycliffe. They shared about Bible translation and the Lord used them to help D&C (the Equip #35 family) understand they could have a place helping the Bibleless gain access to the Scriptures. D&C are now headed to Papua New Guinea where he will serve as a translator and she will serve as a teacher... It makes me smile to think that in some ways, many of you have prayed for this Equip since 2011. No wonder God's hand was so obvious during our time together!

I love this photo Wycliffe recently received from the Roviana Bible dedication in the Solomon Islands. This translation involved many partners working together: Wycliffe, Faith Comes By Hearing, Seed Company, SIL International, YWAM, the Solomon Islands Christian Association, and of course the Roviana church and community. Praise God that the approximately 25,000 Roviana speakers now have the Bible in their language!

That is what it is all about. Your partnership through your prayers and gifts to my Wycliffe ministry helps people just like the Roviana receive access to the truths of the Bible in the language and form they best understand. Thank you for your faithfulness.

Friday, June 16, 2017

The Ikom Cluster Project

In January, 2015, I shared a story about Rosemary and her prayers for the Nkukoli people of Nigeria and their need for the Bible. This past week, translation began on the book of Luke, praise God!

Two weeks ago, a translation workshop for six related languages began in Ikom, Nigeria. One of those languages is Nkukoli! That means there are Nkukoli speakers (who also speak the trade language of Nigerian English) who are working with other Nigerians and missionaries to learn the principles of translation and apply them directly as they begin translating passages of Scripture into their own heart language. I cannot imagine what that must feel like! To have at least a draft of the first verses of the Word of God in your heart language for the very first time!

We will have opportunity to get regular updates now on how this project is progressing. Would you join me in praying for the six translations just beginning in Nigeria?

(You can ignore the facebook login prompt and still see the video.)

Equip #35 new missionaries arrive tomorrow for their onsite orientation - 15 adults and 8 children. As always, we are grateful for your prayers for health, strength, and much wisdom during this two-week time. Your partnership through your prayers and gifts will now extend to also serve each of the peoples of the world who will someday be reached by these new colleagues. Thank you for your faithfulness!

Friday, June 2, 2017


Looking back...

Nard Pugyao traces the hand of God on his life through the work of Bible translation. In 1956, Wycliffe Bible translator Dick Roe arrived in Nard’s mountain village of Dibagat in the Philippines. Nard watched Dick learn his Isnag language and begin to translate the Gospel of Mark.

Curious about a God who had power over the spirit world, Nard began to study the booklet Dick produced. He was shocked to read about an all-powerful God who allowed his son to be killed. Nard shook his fist at God and demanded to know why he hadn’t protected his son. God answered him, “Nard, I did that for you.”

Reading the rest of the book of Mark, Nard encountered a risen Christ who had victory over sin and death, and he gave his heart to Jesus. Before long, Nard felt God’s call to Bible translation and aviation. In a dramatic story of God’s grace and provision, Nard came to the United States, where he studied Bible and aviation.

After years of service with Wycliffe and aviation training to become a pilot/mechanic, Nard’s dream was fulfilled on June 24, 1982, when he landed in Dibagat with the first 500 copies of the complete Isnag New Testament and placed them in the hands of his own people.

Thank you for your part in this ongoing story. As you pray and give to my Wycliffe ministry, you are on the team helping train and coach people just like Dick and Nard, so that others just like the Isnag can know the risen Christ in the language and form they understand best.

Looking ahead...

We anticipate some new margin in the schedule of summer programs this year. I am also very thankful for time in the next two weeks to continue preparations for coming events. Once we begin Equip on June 17, the pace is a quick one until the beginning of August. (But trust me, we love it!) We appreciate your faithful prayers on our behalf as we continue to serve those who come through Orlando for training and encouragement.