One family who was with us was "recruited" by J&P, the first couple I coached in 2011. So think about that... You prayed for me and for J&P. God helped them build a team of prayer and financial partners so that they might serve with Wycliffe. They shared about Bible translation and the Lord used them to help D&C (the Equip #35 family) understand they could have a place helping the Bibleless gain access to the Scriptures. D&C are now headed to Papua New Guinea where he will serve as a translator and she will serve as a teacher... It makes me smile to think that in some ways, many of you have prayed for this Equip since 2011. No wonder God's hand was so obvious during our time together!
I love this photo Wycliffe recently received from the Roviana Bible dedication in the Solomon Islands. This translation involved many partners working together: Wycliffe, Faith Comes By Hearing, Seed Company, SIL International, YWAM, the Solomon Islands Christian Association, and of course the Roviana church and community. Praise God that the approximately 25,000 Roviana speakers now have the Bible in their language!
That is what it is all about. Your partnership through your prayers and gifts to my Wycliffe ministry helps people just like the Roviana receive access to the truths of the Bible in the language and form they best understand. Thank you for your faithfulness.