These past two weeks have been such a joy -- caring for, celebrating, and connecting with 43 other Wycliffe colleagues and 13 MKs from around the world. It was thrilling to hear their stories of the faithfulness of God in their lives. Some of them serve in very challenging situations and have experienced much difficulty, but their commitment to continue to be obedient to God's call on their lives is a testimony of His love and goodness. Thank you for the privilege of serving and working to encourage them. Your partnership goes with them as they return to their roles in the acceleration of Bible translation.
Thanks also for your prayers for what may seem like very "basic" items like health and strength. In the first week of Connections, I tripped and fell in what could have been a significant accident. I have a large bruise across the back of my hips that is still a little tender to the touch... but my ability to fully contribute was only compromised for a short period of time. Providentially, there were plenty of folks around to carry the load in my place. I am grateful for the Lord's mercy and protection... and for your faithful prayers on my behalf!
What's next? November and December are long-range planning months, looking toward the programs for 2017, but also planning as far ahead as 2019. We would appreciate your prayers for wisdom, clarity, and the ability to foresee as much as possible to keep schedules working smoothly. Thank you!