Friday, December 4, 2020


Saul & Rebecca Thurrowgood are Wycliffe Australia members who are excited about Chameleon, a motion capture technology Saul has spent years perfecting. Rebecca explains that, just like the chameleon’s ability to adapt and change in order to communicate, "the goal of Chameleon is bringing the gospel to the Deaf in a new way that protects the people involved by changing their appearance." Currently, less than two percent of the world’s Deaf identify as followers of Jesus. Many do not have access to God’s Word in a language they understand—their own sign language.

There are significant barriers to videoing real people for the translation of the remaining sign languages. For many regions around the world, persecution is a daily occurrence. Filming a real person may be a dangerous move. The use of animated characters eliminates these risks and also enables the translation work to be accelerated. After many years of setbacks and trials, Chameleon 1.0 is almost ready for release. Rebecca adds: "We are so grateful knowing that this product will be a way to get the gospel out to places where it otherwise may have been impossible to create a sign language translation safely."

See the calendar for dates of my upcoming trip to Indy. God used your prayers to keep me alert and safe on the last long trip. Thank you in advance for your prayers again! I look forward to connecting with family and with as many of you as possible, within the safety guidelines that likely will continue to be in place.

Please let me know how I might be praying with you. It's a true privilege to join you.