Friday, December 10, 2021

Hear, Listen

Christmas can be a very busy, noisy season. It can be hard to hear God’s voice in the midst of it all. Why not take some time to listen to him each day this week? If you’re struggling, it might be helpful to remember that shema, the Hebrew word for “hear” or “listen” can also mean “pay attention” or “obey.”

Pray that the Lord will help us to pay obedient attention to him over this Christmas season which is so full of distractions.

One of the easiest ways to hear God speak is to listen to an audio Bible. Shema closely: let the words reach not just your ears but your heart and mind too – listen with attention and obedience to God. The big challenge now is to do the same thing every time we hear or read a verse or passage from the Bible this Christmas – especially when those passages are very familiar.

Praise God that he communicates in ways we can understand – above all, through coming to live as a human – God with us.

In lots of places around the world, people prefer to learn and share information orally. In these contexts, it is often effective to share the good news of Jesus through Bible storytelling and Bible-based songs. And when people can hear it in the language they understand best and in a way that makes sense to them, it is so much easier to pay attention and obey.

Praise God for people who want to help others understand the Bible.

Personal Update

Thank you for your prayers for a smooth move to Indiana. The Lord provided the right people at the right time to help sort, pack, load, and unload. My trip north was encouraging. I am grateful for friends over the years and the miles. Then I was able to celebrate Thanksgiving with family. The last time I had done that was immediately before the move to Florida in 2010.

The time-sensitive essentials are now in place and I’ve begun to settle in… not only into my childhood home, but also into a more permanent life back in Indiana. It feels very different than all the wonderful visits here I’ve had over the past 11 years.

For the next few months, I’ll be in transition in my role with Wycliffe, too. We’re preparing for another virtual Equip (orientation) in January. I’m still helping with logistics for upcoming programs. And, I’m part of a group who is defining a new role/team to facilitate care for approximately 800 Wycliffe staff who live in the U.S. but are outside the Orlando Headquarters area. To me, it is providential that I am now one of those folks!

For an additional personal update, visit my google group.