Friday, January 23, 2015

Equip Update

God has answered your prayers by providing a good first week at Equip, Wycliffe's new-member orientation. Everyone has been healthy enough to be at all the sessions and we are nearing the weekend when we may rest and catch up some. Please continue to pray for stamina and wisdom for us all. Thank you.

It is always exciting to hear the stories of how God has led folks into their new roles as colleagues in Bible translation. Your partnership with my Wycliffe ministry through your prayers and finances is helping send these new workers out. They have daunting tasks ahead of them as they ask God to provide for their needs through the gracious gifts of His people to Wycliffe. A portion of our job as trainers is to present tools that will be helpful to "the newbies" in sharing their story and inviting others to be a part of taking the Scriptures to those who do not yet have them in their heart language.

The joy is that we can share with them that God is faithful! In October, I asked you to pray about the monthly minimum budget increase for the coming year. In answer to your prayers, God is providing through new monthly financial partners, through others who have increased their contributions, and through some generous year-end gifts. I am grateful.

My prayer for you is that God would continue to grow your love for Him and for His Word. If there are other more specific things I can pray on your behalf, please let me know. It is an honor to partner with you as you have so faithfully partnered with my Wycliffe ministry.

Friday, January 9, 2015


Rosemary has been a part of the Bible translation team much longer than I have. As I began with Wycliffe, she told me she had been praying for the Nkukoli people in Nigeria… for eighteen years.

I saw Rosemary during my recent time in Indy. She is still praying for the Nkukoli to have access to the Word of God in the language that best speaks to their hearts.

This month, Amy (one of the recent Equippers) begins her role as a field coordinator, managing translation projects in Nigeria. What a joy it will be to report someday that Rosemary’s prayers have been answered – that Amy or one of her colleagues has had opportunity to help facilitate a translation project for the Nkukoli people!

Since November 2009, I have been praying for the Jakati people of Ukraine. Learning of their need was a part of God’s call to Wycliffe for me. The Nkukoli and Jakati are only two of the more than 1,800 people groups who are still without a single verse of Scripture in their heart language: the language spoken amongst family members… the language in which we pray and dream. Please consider signing up to pray for one of the Bibleless Peoples of the world by going to:

January is an Equip month, when new colleagues come to Orlando for their two-week onsite orientation to Wycliffe USA. Our goal is to fully equip these “newbies” so they may begin their field assignments as quickly as possible, so Bible translation may be accelerated. As always, the staff and participants depend on your prayers for wisdom, strength, health, and much productivity during our time together. Your influence on God’s Kingdom will now extend to this new group of folks and to all of those whom they will one day impact. Praise God!