Thanks so much for your prayers for the events that took place in May. Below is a photo of the bunch I work with in Orlando. We had a great time learning and growing together as an OATS (Orientation and Training Services) team. It was such a privilege for us to have time to get away and retool and think deeply and be refreshed ...together. I am grateful to be a part of this team. Pray that we continue to grow in our ability to serve well together.
It was such a joy to see so many of you during my Indy visit. I am only sorry our time was so short, but I am thankful for the number of very meaningful conversations that took place. You all encouraged my heart with the stories of how God has been working in and through you. Thank you for your prayers for safety as I drove. I do not take His protection for granted.
We are now gearing up for the next season of programs. Equip (new member orientation) begins on June 13 for 45 adults and 16 MKs (missionary kids). Pray for wisdom, health, and stamina for participants and "crew" alike.
When this group finishes, I will have opportunity to continuing connecting as a coach with two single gals and a family of five: providing encouragement, resources, and accountability for each of them as they ask God to build teams of prayer and financial partners for their Wycliffe ministries. Pray we get to know each other well at Equip so we might work effectively together in the months to come.
Once again, with your prayers and gifts toward my Wycliffe ministry, your partnership will now extend to impact these new colleagues and everyone they will one day serve. Thank you for your faithfulness!