Friday, December 6, 2024

Can you imagine Christmas without music?

I’ve been enjoying my Christmas playlist since September. It’s a wonderful mix of classics and newer worship songs that focus on the birth of Jesus. Music that celebrates God’s story is such a blessing, but it’s something we can easily take for granted.

Now, imagine what it might be like for people groups who are just now receiving God’s Word in their language. For them, the joy of worship is taking on new forms. Music is an incredibly powerful tool to help us praise God, remember his truths, and share those truths with others. Today, some believers are composing what could be the very first hymns and worship songs in their own languages—a beautiful way to connect with Scripture and glorify God.

The Center for Excellence in World Arts (CEWA) in Dallas plays a crucial role in this mission. CEWA trains people from diverse backgrounds to serve communities involved in Bible translation. These workers include musicians, visual artists, and even professionals like architects! The goal of CEWA’s training is to equip individuals to help churches create artistic expressions that honor God and reflect the truths of Scripture in their own cultural context.

A colleague recently shared a video inspired by Romans 8:35-39, featuring three different language groups in South Asia. I’m so thankful for English subtitles, which let us join in worship with these believers!

Pray for the churches receiving newly translated Scriptures to be able to worship with all their might!

Read more at - The Center for Excellence in World Arts

My November trip to Florida was wonderful!

It was fulfilling to serve with the Connection team. There may be future opportunities to support those programs, which is exciting to consider. My vacation time with friends was refreshing and renewing—and, of course, the beautiful weather felt like a gift!

Looking ahead, all the pieces are in place for me to begin a “reduced assignment” starting in January. (Feel free to reach out with any questions.) Since returning from Florida, I’ve been able to use vacation days to enjoy Fridays off. My list of projects and activities is starting to take shape, and I’m eager to see how this next season unfolds.

During the holidays, I’ve been thankful for personal routines and strong family connections. Christmas will always bring memories of my mom’s passing on December 22, 2022, but I’m seeing gratitude, thanksgiving, and joy gradually replace the weight of grief. Thank you for your prayers and praise the Lord for His faithfulness in this journey.

For a financial update, visit my Google Group.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Prayer Updates

Recent Highlights -- Answers to Prayer:
  • The October new fiscal year tasks went very smoothly!
  • We've been told that the sale of the campus continues to move forward.

Looking Ahead -- Items for Prayer:
  • I've been invited to work on the "Crew" of the Wycliffe Stateside Connection (WSC) in Orlando, Nov 4-8. Pray for renewing and encouraging times for the participants.
  • I'll be taking some vacation time after WSC.
  • Pray for the Wycliffe programs (like WSC) to settle on a new location so there will be a good plan when the campus sells.
There's an update on my Google Group about exciting things to come in January. :-)

How may I pray with you?

Friday, September 27, 2024

Eight Verses!

The Wycliffe USA staff gather on Wednesdays to worship, to hear stories of how God is working and to pray for the continuing needs of those without the Bible. I was encouraged by the report we heard this week of minority language translators who are just beginning their work in Uganda. Their first translated passage was only eight verses, but they faithfully shared that with their neighbors... and some came to Christ! Imagine how the Lord will work when more of his Word is translated!

As you pray and give toward my Wycliffe ministry, you share in the reward as God transforms lives through the translated Word. Praise God!

Recent Highlights -- Answers to Prayer:
  • God's translated Word transforms lives!
  • My workload has been very manageable.
  • Sciatica is a now non-issue!
Items for prayer:
  • Pray for the Ugandan translators to continue to make good progress.
  • Wycliffe leadership anticipates the sale of the campus, likely by summer, 2025. Pray for the programs (like the ones I used to help) to settle on a new location.
  • Wycliffe's new fiscal year begins October 1, so there will be a series of new tasks to complete between then and October 20. Pray those go smoothly.
What has the Lord put on your heart for prayer? May I join you?

Friday, August 23, 2024

God's Global Mission

God is on the move in ways that we have never seen before in the history of the world!

Today, local churches are asking for — and sometimes even starting — Bible translation themselves. And they don’t want to wait for the work to start; they want to start it now. Local churches are playing a significant role in Bible translation for their own communities, and that’s exponentially accelerating the pace of the work. The global Church is taking ownership of Bible translation.

As you pray and give toward my Wycliffe ministry, you are also directly participating in Bible translation. Thank you for being a part of God's global mission.

Recent Highlights -- Answers to Prayer:
  • The global Church continues to participate in Bible translation in greater and greater ways, so more people can be transformed by God's Word.
  • Praise God for problem-solving skills recently for two unusual Member Finance situations.
  • My sciatica has been responding well to physical therapy. I have my last appointment next week.
Items for prayer:
  • Wycliffe leadership anticipates the sale of the campus in the next 10-12 months. Pray for the relocation planning process.
  • Pray that I will be alert to the details in every situation (work and life!) so the best ways forward can be found.
  • Pray that I will be faithful in continuing the things that have helped resolve my sciatica.
How may I pray for you? I count it a privilege to join with you.

Friday, July 26, 2024

God Is on the Move!

Johnstone Ndunde, the SIL area director of Anglo-Lusophone Africa, has witnessed the transformative power of God's Word in people's lives and communities. Individuals who were not initially believers have been profoundly changed through their daily work with Bible translation. One notable example is a man in Nigeria whose dramatic personal transformation had a significant positive effect on his family and community. Watch the story to see the community's response:

Recent Highlights -- Answers to Prayer:
  • My workload has been sustainable and fulfilling. The procedures that were new in May have been going very smoothly.
  • There is progress being made toward the sale of Wycliffe's Orlando campus. All the negotiations are confidential, so there are no other details to communicate.
  • I've been enjoying time outside with the beautiful weather.
Items for prayer:
  • I lifted some things I should not have in early July and am in physical therapy for sciatica. I am seeing some improvement, but would be grateful for your prayers. (Yes, I have learned my lesson!)
  • COVID has begun to make its way through some of my coworkers recently. Pray especially for those who work with programs in Orlando.
  • Pray that each of us would be truly transformed by the Word of God.
Thank you for your continued commitment to the Lord and to those without the Bible. You are making a difference for God's Kingdom!

Praying for you, too,

Friday, June 28, 2024

This is Our Music!

We love the Psalms, because they are so full of passion and praise, deep feelings, moods, laments, and conversations with God… words that capture the human experience so beautifully. But what if they hadn’t been translated into our language yet? And what if we were an oral culture that needed a different way of translating biblical poetry? What could we do then?

Benjie Leach of Wycliffe UK and Ireland says, "Psalms that Sing guides poets and musicians in a creative process to translate the Psalms so they may be learned, heard and sung, in rejoicing and in sorrow, in strength and in weakness, in confidence and in fear."

The translators work as a group and move through a 10-step process from listening to Psalms in another language to praying and singing them in their own. These Psalms are then being taken back into the community and used, becoming a part of daily life not just in the churches, but out in the community, too. Some have said, "This is our music!"

(Read more about Psalms that Sing or hear some of the Psalms in Kaaps.)

Recent Highlights -- Answers to Prayer:
  • I had opportunity to do some MS Excel tutorials and learn a number of helpful things for my Member Finance role.
  • Coverage for summer vacations has been going smoothly.
  • I am blessed and grateful for the gift of time and energies of friends who helped me landscape! One new hobby now is watering each morning!
Items for prayer:
  • Pray for the Psalms that Sing programs to continue to spread God's Word.
  • The Jr High Grow Class (Sunday School) will be on a break in July and August. Pray that the students continue to grow spiritually during that time.
  • I am still investigating new hobbies. :-)
Your faithful prayers and gifts are a part of what God is doing around the world in Bible translation. Thank you! How may I pray for you?

Friday, May 31, 2024

The Etulo New Testament

It's time to celebrate! This past week, the Etulo people of Nigeria received a complete New Testament, and you had a part in it! One of the people I coached had a direct hand in helping this translation come about. As you have prayed and given for my Wycliffe ministry, I have served many of our colleagues who then have had a connection with Bible translations happening all over the world. God keeps transforming lives through the translated Word. The video below gives insights into the beginning of the translation process for the Etulo people. Let's celebrate with them!

Recent Highlights -- Answers to Prayer:
  • The new work process went very smoothly this month. Thank you for your prayers.
  • I got to go on a field trip with the Jr/Sr Highers from Faith who read the entire Bible in the past three years. What fun to celebrate with them!
  • Adjustments to new leadership in the department are going very well.
Items for prayer:
  • Pray for God's Word to bear much fruit among the Etulo people.
  • Summer means vacation for many, so we will be covering tasks for each other. Pray for good communication and effectiveness as we fit into temporary spots.
  • We've been informed that there have been many inquiries regarding the sale of the current campus. Continue to pray for wisdom for our leadership.
  • One of my summer "projects" is investigating some new hobbies as I take a long-term view toward retirement (likely about four years from now). Pray for good ways to invest myself!
I cannot imagine making this journey without your faithful prayers. Thank you! How may I pray for you?

Friday, April 26, 2024

God's Point of View

You might have noticed there aren't as many stories of my Wycliffe ministry that I can share in this season. Many times, it's because I am working with my colleagues' finances or learning of challenging situations in their lives... and those things need to be kept in confidence. Sometimes, my days are as exciting as a Zoom meeting to help someone update their W-4 form. Very important, but not exactly the kind of thing I race to share with you!

The last face-to-face program I was a part of in Orlando was in February 2020. At that time, there was absolutely no way I could have imagined how things would be today -- with me back in Indiana and in entirely different roles. I am so thankful for the continuity of still being with Wycliffe and the continuity of you, faithful partners, who have prayed and given and encouraged, every step of the way. And though "our" contribution is different now, we are still part of what God is doing to transform lives through the translated Bible.

But why does Bible translation make a difference? Take a look at the first 4:30 of this video from the Spring Scripture Celebration (Of course, you're welcome to watch the entire video.). The image gives a hint:​

Recent Highlights -- Answers to Prayer:
  • An unexpected project came up this month and I was able to draft a solution. We tested it and are ready for implementation in May.
  • The long-term project due in May is essentially finished.
  • I was recently the Zoom facilitator for sessions on "Caring for Aging Parents" that were attended by 124 colleagues. It was good to help with encouragement for so many.
  • The Lord is continuing to help me memorize (working on Colossians, Psalm 103).
Items for prayer:
  • May 6, one of the processes I work with will change radically. Pray that our testing was adequate (see above!), that I will see issues quickly, and for good attention to detail.
  • May will be the first month for the new departmental paradigm. Pray for good adjustments.
  • Pray for wisdom for Wycliffe's leadership as they make decisions regarding the sale of the current campus in order to unlock underutilized resources so that more might receive the Bible and be transformed.
Thank you for your faithful prayers. How may I pray for you?

Friday, March 29, 2024

Hidden in my Heart

I don't know how your "quiet time/devotions/Bible study and prayer/personal worship" goes, but I know that from time to time, I need something different to awaken my heart in new ways. This year, I've been memorizing the book of Colossians. I started this process once before, in 2021, but got derailed when I relocated to Indy. I began again in January and am making good progress.

So what does that mean? It doesn't mean I am ready to do the whole thing in front of a crowd... but with some prompting, the Lord has helped me commit sections to memory. And here's what I've learned: I really look forward to my time working on it -- reviewing it, taking on the next new section. Almost every time I hear the Bible taught, I am reminded of a Colossians theme. I am becoming much more aware of God's Word, and that's a good thing.

Here's my encouragement to you: whatever you need to do so that you are more eager for your times with the Scriptures, do it! May the Lord constantly grow our appreciation for his grace in revealing himself to us, and may that make us even more passionate about seeing others receive his Word in a language and form they best understand.

Recent Highlights -- Answers to Prayer:
  • Your prayers for productivity are still being answered. I was able to help bunches on a pop-up project the past two weeks.
  • The long-term project due in May is ready for the finishing touches.
  • God is increasing my desire to know more of the Bible.
Items for prayer:
  • One of my departments is about to experience a significant transition of people and roles.
  • Wycliffe is looking to sell the current campus to unlock underutilized resources so that more might receive the Bible and be transformed.
  • Pray that I not only continue to memorize, but that I will continue to let the Spirit apply the Word to my heart.
You are such a blessing to me. How may I pray for you?

Friday, February 23, 2024

Reverend Dr. Samuel Ajayi Crowther

The "Sword of the Spirit," placed in the hands of the congregations, in their own tongue, will do more to convince and convert them than all our preaching, teaching, and meetings of so many years put together.” — Samuel Ajayi Crowther (c. 1809-1891)

Before he was known as Reverend Dr. Samuel Ajayi Crowther, his name was simply “Ajayi.” Ajayi grew up in West Africa among the Yoruba people. In his early teens, he was captured by raiders and crammed aboard a Portuguese ship bound for the New World. But the ship never made it. A British warship attacked the Portuguese ship in an attempt to stop the slave traders. Ajayi was one of only 87 of the 189 enslaved passengers who survived the attack. He was then sent to Sierra Leone. After learning English and beginning to study the Scriptures, Ajayi became a Christian and took the name “Samuel” at his baptism in 1825.

As a college student, Crowther studied Greek and Latin in addition to West African languages. In 1843, Crowther began compiling a dictionary in his own language -- Yoruba -- and began translating the Bible for his people. While the full Yoruba Bible would not be completed until 1884, Crowther aided other West African translation projects. Local and foreign leaders saw Crowther’s work as a groundbreaking approach to indigenous-led Bible translation that helped affirm the power of local communities. In the last 50 years, churches and organizations worldwide have rediscovered the importance of that approach to Bible translation. Dr Crowther's legacy continues today.

Samuel Ajayi Crowther (c. 1809-1891)

Recent Highlights -- Answers to Prayer:
- The January/February work project is complete! Thank you for your prayers!
- I'm beginning to feel more settled into my home. I'm almost at the one-year mark here.
- My prayer/devotions/quiet time plan is still moving forward. More about that next month!
- While I don't have specifics about the Nkukoli workshop, we continue to get good news from Nigeria about the progress of Bible translation.

Items for prayer:
- Pray for Bible translation for those who have no access to God's Word in a language they clearly understand.
- Pray for consistent progress on another long-term departmental project that is due in May.
- Pray for growth in my personal disciplines.

What a joy to be on this faith journey together! How may I pray for you?

For partnership opportunities with my Wycliffe ministry:

Friday, January 19, 2024

Nkukoli Update

The Nkukoli people have a team ready to begin learning Oral Bible Storytelling on February 1! Here's what that will look like: A team of 3-5 Facilitators will lead six 2-week workshops evenly spread over 2-3 years. The 4-5 participants per language (often 5-6 language groups are part of each project) are chosen by their church or their community. The participants learn to tell 30-50 stories of the Bible in their own language over the length of the project.

The whole group decides together with the facilitators which Bible stories to learn, generally starting with stories from Mark’s Gospel. Story selection varies from themes, books of the Bible, the lives of Biblical characters. The stories and storytelling are checked by translation consultants and checkers. There is a strong emphasis on using the local storytelling style in the crafting and performance of the stories. There often is immediate impact between workshops as the storytellers tell the stories in their communities (village, family, church). The stories create a hunger for more of God’s Word in the local language and are excellent preparation for more Bible translation.

Read the Jan 9, 2015 update about the Nkukoli.

Thanks so much for your prayers for the January/February work project. Things have been even busier than anticipated, but it has gone remarkably well. God has been using your prayers! I can't tell you much about it, because it's working with financial things for people, but I can tell you that it has been a blessing to be a part of the process, celebrating God's provision.

Recent Highlights-- Answers to Prayer:
- Christmas with my family and friends was encouraging and enjoyable as we celebrated Jesus together.
- The extra work project is going very smoothly!
- Sundays with the Jr High are going well.
- I'm in a sustainably good routine for restful sleep now.

Items for prayer:
- The Nkukoli Oral Bible Storytelling team.
- Wisdom with clients.
- My Bible reading and prayer/devotions/quiet time plan is a little different this year. [When I get a little farther along, I'll share more. :-)] Pray that I grow more and more in love with God's Word and that I learn to know God better.

It is a privilege to partner together in prayer. Let me know how I may stand with you, too.