Friday, April 19, 2019

Equip #42 is in the books

Thank you so much for your prayers for these past two weeks. We just finished Equip onsite orientation of 19 new colleagues and their 10 MKs (missionary kids). This group connected well with each other and learned much during their time in Orlando. As they shared about ways they are growing and ways that the Lord is increasing their faith on this Wycliffe journey, those of us who helped facilitate the program were very encouraged. We were all able to stay healthy, too, for which I am especially grateful.

They now go out to build teams of prayer and financial partners before going on to serve around the world accelerating Bible translation. As you have prayed for me and given for my Wycliffe ministry, YOU have had a part in helping them get a good start. Thank you!

For a personal update, take a look at this.

Friday, April 5, 2019

March Meetings

The meetings in March with other coaches and our part of the Human Resource team were productive and relational. The vast majority of these colleagues are distributed around the US and serve other Wycliffe workers around the globe.

As coaches, we continue to seek ways to better help our co-workers as they build and sustain teams of prayer and financial partners. This team has a heart to see all our colleagues thrive, so that they are able to serve effectively and accelerate Bible translation.

All the pre-operative appointments are scheduled within the next two weeks. Surgery for a RIGHT total hip replacement is set for Tuesday, April 23, 9:00am. One of my friends will send a brief update later that day to let you know how things went. It’s again anticipated that I will spend two nights in the hospital and then head home with in-home health services for two weeks after that. My colleagues from the Orlando office are planning to provide meals for me… and that will let them come check up on me, too!

For more details of what is next, visit my Google Group.