Friday, February 20, 2015

What's been going on in February?

Thank you for your prayers for all that has taken place in February.  The first Connection program went smoothly and the weekend with the Brothers and Sisters at Solid Word Bible Church was a blessing and encouragement to me.  Solid Word, you worship well and have such a heart for the world and a commitment to action - to be the hands and feet ready to be used of God!  It is a joy to partner with you.  You challenge me to pursue holiness.
This week, I received valentines from Faith Church folks and Village Life Church folks.  You all come alongside so effectively - I never feel alone as I am away from you.  Thank you for allowing me to be here - to extend your ministry to impact those who are yet without Scripture in the language that speaks to their heart. 
This coming week, we will host 19 colleagues and their 12 children for another Connection program.  Pray that we serve them well and that God will renew and re-energize them as they prepare to return to the task.  God will multiply your prayers and gifts - your partnership - to transform lives through the translated Word as these co-workers go out.  Thank you! 
I am praying for you, too.  Please let me know if there are specifics I may remember on your behalf.
For partnership opportunities:

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