Access to God’s Word in the heart language: what a thing to celebrate! On October 20th in Orlando, we celebrated 29 new translations from around the world that have been dedicated in the past year. These Scriptures are for people groups totaling more than two million speakers who now can learn more about God’s personal love for them in the mother tongue they best understand.
It was a joy to stand with a group who were part of the larger “team” in the translation of the Takwane Bible: those who have prayed and partnered in other ways with Jeff & Peg Shrum’s Wycliffe ministry. (Faith Church folks, you might recognize Tom Meiner, who serves in Orlando with the JESUS Film Project. We represented you, too, as many of you have been a faithful part of the Takwane team.)
Think of the many threads the Lord is weaving together to accomplish His will. He calls some to go. He calls others to provide for and resource the ministries of those who go. He calls us all to pray for His will to be done and for His Kingdom to come. It is our prayer that each of these 29 translations are a tool He will use to transform lives.
What’s up in my world?
September was a great month training new missionaries at Equip. In early October, we saw God’s mercy with Hurricane Matthew that moved mostly off-shore from central Florida. Mom’s visit to Florida overlapped that weekend, so we saw one more adventurous weather event together (after the August tornado together in Indiana!).
As this month comes to a close, we will host two groups of colleagues who have been serving all over the world in Bible translation. Please pray that they will be renewed and that we will serve them well: care for them, celebrate them, and connect them to resources that are available in Orlando. Thank you! I am so grateful for your prayers on our behalf.
For the rest of today's update, see my Google Group.
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