Friday, August 25, 2017

Family Time

Once again, I have returned to Florida to prepare for our next session of The Wycliffe Connection. Our team will host 30 colleagues from overseas and their 11 missionary kids (MKs) this coming week. We appreciate your prayers for their renewal and encouragement.

I was grateful to be in Indiana for some special family events and some "down time" in August. It was also good to see the last phases of Mom's recovery, rehab, and "release" from all follow-ups after her July 8 fall and fractured pelvis. She is doing remarkably well. We also celebrated her 84th birthday.

The Orlando programs in September and October are the last for the year. After that, we begin our long-range planning through 2020. I'll continue coaching four families who are building teams of prayer and financial partners. They plan to serve in Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Southeast Asia, and the U.S. As you partner with my Wycliffe ministry, the Lord is using your prayers and gifts to impact Bible translation in those places, too. You make such a difference - thank you!

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