Together, they had been working on a film about the Gospel of Luke in six local languages. Vernacular media specialists such as Nathanael and his wife, Darla, work hard to make God’s Word accessible to people through audio and film formats.
An older translator responded to Nathanael’s question: “You know, I went through Bible school. I took all the translation courses. I even preached on this passage of Scripture. But I never truly understood what Jesus went through to die for my sins until I saw him do it and heard him speak my language. I heard him say in the film, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.’ It was at that moment, I truly understood what Jesus went through. If this can impact someone like me, who has preached on these passages for so many years and translated, how much more will this speak to other people who haven’t heard it before?”
Nathanael’s motivation: “We don’t want to see anyone being left out of getting God’s Word. We want people to have access to God’s Word in [a] way that they understand.”
Learn more about Vernacular media:
I had opportunity to meet the Gregorievs at a Wycliffe Connection program. It was a joy to hear more of their story and to work to encourage them as they continue serving faithfully. Your partnership with my Wycliffe ministry through your prayers and gifts permits me to extend your impact to the people they serve. Thank you!
Decisions have been made that we will not host any Connection programs in Orlando for the remainder of 2020. We’re working now to create other virtual events to help care for and celebrate our established members.
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