Friday, January 14, 2022

Bible Translation and Mission

Eddie Arthur of Wycliffe UK writes...

...translation is a normal feature of life in a multicultural, multilingual family. More importantly, our involvement in Bible translation imitates the way that God has worked through Scripture and history. The Bible paints a picture of a God who reaches out to people to meet them where they are. He does not expect people to climb up to him, but he comes down to us and communicates with us in a way that we can understand. The climax of God’s self-revelation comes through the incarnation of Jesus Christ; God in human flesh, speaking a human language and living a human life. God translated into human!

(There is much more to this article! If that paragraph intrigues you at all, I'd encourage you to consider reading: Bible Translation and Mission: The Big Picture.)

What a thrill to be a part of Bible translation! Thank you for your part, as together we seek to be used by God as he continues to reach out to people through the translated Scriptures.

Tomorrow, we begin another virtual Equip. It is most likely the last Equip for me -- my 42nd, if my count is correct. This will be the 8th virtual session. What a joy it has been to be part of the team helping facilitate these orientation sessions! And, through your prayers and gifts for my Wycliffe ministry, you've been a part of "equipping" hundreds of new Wycliffe colleagues.

Would you pray with me for Equip #53 - January 15-27?
  • Health and clear minds for participants and "crew."
  • Good internet and technology for all.
  • For the crew to serve these new colleagues well as they begin their Wycliffe journeys.
Then, February 1, I'll begin my new roles. (Yes, two of them!) More about that next time!!

Thank you for your faithful prayers and encouragements. Please let me know how I may pray with you.

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