Tuesday, January 19, 2010

September and October

September was all about settling into Mom's and new routines. When folks asked about my situation, I told them I was planning to live there for a while as I evaluated some options. There was nothing else conclusive to say about what was on my mind.

I was convinced that God intended for me to consider whether or not I was called to Ukraine, full-time. I sought counsel, read books, and prayed about it.

Also during September, I was thankful to receive all of my earnest money from the failed house offer and to be released from any obligation or penalties connected with it. What a gift!

Then, October 1, my next surprise came along. While she was up for the Women's Fall Retreat, Ruth Hubbard encouraged me to investigate Wycliffe as I looked at God's direction for my future.

Wow. Now there was even more to think about. How are you supposed to know God's plan when there are two incredibly good things in front of you?

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