Monday, April 12, 2010

Hello, Muddah...

Hello from Camp Equip!

Saturday evening, I joined 39 other folks who are in Orlando to complete a two-week orientation program with Wycliffe Bible Translators. There are folks from all over the US who are headed to places all over the world at some point in the near future. We range in age from early 20s to early 60s. We are a pretty diverse group, but it has been fascinating to hear the stories as they have all converged in a calling to join the cause of Bible translation around the world. We are learning lots about each other, lots about Bible translation, and lots about our role as we come on board.

I am technically "on vacation" from Faith. I will return for two more days at the end of the month. Josh is doing a super job in his new role there.

Ill try to keep you posted as we go along. Having truly an amazing time.

[Couldn't resist. If you have no idea about the title reference, you can hear it here - sorry, no video. And, there is no camp resemblance implied!]


  1. Thanks for your postings, Lisa. Keep well and really enjoy growing into what you are doing.


  2. I'm hoping that song doesn't stay with me too long. : ) Thank you so much for keeping us up to date with what is going on. Glad to hear it's going well so far.
