Friday, July 15, 2016

The next three weeks

Mulindi, a speaker of the Lubwisi language in Uganda, attended church for 50 years before he heard a Bible verse read in his own language. “People used to say that no one would manage to write the Bible in Lubwisi because it is an unwritable language,” he said.

But then someone did write the language. Most importantly, they translated the Bible. At the end of July 2016, the Lubwisi people will celebrate the arrival of the New Testament in their language.

Mulindi says, “I am like the old man Simeon in the Bible whom the Holy Spirit promised would not die without seeing the Messiah. God has given me a time of grace in this world so that I can hear the Word of God in my own language, the language which I understand.”

​Story & Photo source:

Thank you for your prayers for GECO. Things went smoothly. Then this has been a planning and recovery week, getting ready for the next stretch.

The next three weeks, we will celebrate three groups of colleagues who have been serving overseas or stateside - more than 70 of them total, plus a host of MKs. Please pray for stamina and for us to serve them well, so they are encouraged to continue serving well. All of this is so that more like the Lubwisi may soon have access to the translated Scriptures. Thank you!

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