Friday, August 19, 2016


Today, I am grateful.

Monday evening, Mom and I weathered a tornado at her house. No one was injured and she sustained only minor property damage. God's power and His mercy were awesome to behold. We are grateful. (There's a brief video here.)

Today, Mom turns 83. I am grateful for the health and strength God has granted her. I am grateful for her faith to trust God daily with her life. Her encouragement and partnership with my Wycliffe ministry also make it possible for me to be serving in Orlando during a season of life when I did not expect to be 1,000 miles away from family. I am grateful.

I cannot express my gratitude for you, faithful prayer and financial partners. God has honored your prayers this week in ways we could not have anticipated. Your faithfulness to hold me and my family up before the Lord is such a blessing... and for you, I am grateful.


  1. What a mess! So grteful you and your mom are safe.

    1. Thanks, LeAnne. So glad to have been there.
